My name is Rick DiLena, current pastor of NC Church, and I'd like to tell you our story. In the summer of 1984, Pastor Scott Harter began to preach the gospel on a park bench, at Ber-Vaughn Park, in Berwick, PA. Armed with nothing more than the scripture and his voice he began to see lives saved and transformed. In the winter of 1984, God used Pastor Scott to found New Covenant Christian Center in a small church building on Cemetery St., just off Market St., Berwick. The church grew quickly and, in 1988 it was time to find a larger venue. A restaurant, on West 11th St., went up for sale and caught the attention of the church leadership. It would provide plenty of space to grow and greatly improve the ministry’s effectiveness. The church pulled together, prayed, and gave sacrificially. God responded to their faith and, despite various obstacles, the building was purchased at a favorable price. With God’s blessing, the church continued to grow.

From 2002-2005 the church walked through a difficult season that left it pastorless and wounded. God used the elders to lead the church through that season and keep it together. In 2007, my wife, Amy and I returned to the north after planting a church in Brandon, FL. September 2007, while searching for a church family to plug into, we visited New Covenant Christian Center. The people were welcoming and we connected quickly. We learned, soon after our visit, that the church was without a pastor. It was clear to all parties involved that God had orchestrated the connection and I was installed as the pastor in December of that same year.

In the spring of 2016 we were approached by a local church with the opportunity to purchase their current facility at 20 Kachinka Hollow Road. This could not come at a better time for NC Church. Again we had outgrown our space! God provided and provided and provided again and we were able to move into our new home in August of 2017.

Time has flown by and we are amazed at what God has done. Over many years we’ve seen wounds healed, lives restored, and people transformed by the power of the gospel. If you're looking for a perfect church, keep looking, but if you're looking for a wonderful family to learn and grow with; a family to do life with, then we invite you to give NC Church a try. God bless you.