Join us for our annual NC Church Picnic here Sunday June 30th. There will be NO 9am service or programs that morning nor will there be NC Kids. Instead, we will all join together out back on the NC Church lawn for ONE OUTDOOR SERVICE at 10:30am, followed by the picnic itself, so come join us under the tent for worship and fellowship. We will be providing hot dogs and hamburgers, so we do ask that you please sign up at the Info Center to let us know you plan to attend in order that we supply enough for everyone. Otherwise, this is a potluck event, so we ask that you please bring a picnic dish to share! Lawn chairs and games are optional. And something new this year we are presenting an opportunity for outdoor baptisms! So if you would like to declare your faith and commitment to the Lord publicly amoungst your NC Church family, sign up at the Info Center as well! We look forward to this time of great fun and fellowship with you!